designed with Homestead
Located in Wisconsin  Phone  715-652-3349
This page was last updated on: March 4, 2025
Current breeding cats are on this page.  See link below for retired cats, no longer at our home.
Forestdolls Motorolla is a Male black Tortoiseshell with a couple white feet & toes. Young in these photo's, not in full coat.
Sly at 4 mo.
Forestdolls Sly Ely
Sly Ely's parents are Forestdolls Lily Rose & Ch. Corros Adrian
At age 1, He was already a large kitty with a heavy coat.
Forestdolls"Esmeralda"Rose 15 wks. in this photo. Protective, excellent Mother.
Forestdolls Elvira Memory Parents are Flynn and Dolly. 
At 5 months
Age 4 in this photo
Summer coat
Vikingtails Ace High Roller Derby
Blue tabby with white. Super friendly. TICA breeding Male

"Forestdolls Foxy Cinnamon" Out of "Bellarina" & "Flynn" Dainty when stepping around stuff. Speedy. Leaps up and over everything. Does not cause large crashes. More of a sneaky kitty.
Tordencat Ruby Violet  "Canadian Girl". We had to get passports to pick her up. She's a "Trouble maker". A kitty who watches TV, chases animals on TV. If you hear a loud crash, it was Ruby Violet.
Forestdolls Paisley
Sire: Reshma Flynn Luan
Dam: Forestdolls Black Magic Beauty
Full Coat in Winter Age 6
Summer Coat after weaning a litter. Looks like a different cat. Age 5
Paisley is available to rehome later this year.